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Local health coach teaches women self-love and intuitive eating

Health coach Morgan Norman is the founder of The Self Love League | Courtesy Morgan Norman
REXBURG – Many women struggle with their body image, and a local health coach is on a mission to change that.
Morgan Norman is an intuitive eating and self-love health coach. She works with women who have any type of disordered relationship with food. This could be food restriction, binge eating, food guilt or poor body image.
“We don’t do weight loss,” Norman said. “We just focus on behavior.”
Norman’s health journey began when she was 19 years old. She contracted a stomach infection that caused significant weight loss.

Morgan Norman contracted a stomach infection that caused significant weight loss. | Courtesy Morgan Norman

“I started to receive lots of body comments that I wasn’t really used to hearing,” Norman said. “So because of that, I did whatever I could to stay that way.”
Norman developed two eating disorders and realized she could not continue down that path. She worked with a team of physicians, health coaches and therapists.
“Through my own healing and struggles, I realized I wasn’t the only one that was struggling and I needed a team to get better,” Norman said. “So once I healed, I decided I wanted to be part of that team for other women and to help them overcome some of their struggles because it’s so much more common than we think.”
Norman earned a certificate of integrative nutrition health coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Then, she started her program, The Self Love League.
She has helped dozens of women overcome their issues with food. She works one-on-one with clients for 12 weeks to create healthful habits and thought patterns through assignments and weekly check-ins.
As the name suggests, The Self Love League is about recognizing your worth, no matter what stage of life you’re in.
“You’re not shaming yourself into something — you are loving yourself into whatever it is that you decide to do,” Norman said.
Norman helps her clients recognize how they view their body through body image zones. The green zone is seeing the body as God intended. The yellow zone is when negative self-talk begins. The red zone is when the body image is poor and a person stops eating.
Jordan Marshall, a recent Self Love League graduate, has found body image zones very helpful.
“I’ve been able to catch myself a lot more heading into the yellow zone or the red zone,” Marshall said. “It’s going to happen. It’s normal, but I’m able to actually use some tools she’s given to me to get back to the green.”
Each client is different, so Norman personalizes her coaching and uses small steps. For Marshall, it started with eating one fruit and vegetable every day.
“Her assignments were really personalized, which I really liked,” Marshall said.
Much of The Self Love League program relies on intuitive eating, which Norman says is all about listening to your body’s cues.
“That can be how your body communicates your hunger,” Norman said. “Is it physical sensations, irritability, lack of energy?”
All of the coaching sessions are virtual, and Marshall says the program has made all the difference.
“I didn’t realize I needed it at the time,” Marshall said. “Now I can look at my body and realize that it is a tool, not a burden.”
Norman aims to make the program affordable, especially for college students. She offers payment plans for clients, which go as low as $350 per month.
To participate in The Self Love League program, message Norman on instagram at @morganknorman_ or @theselfloveleague, or email her at
The post Local health coach teaches women self-love and intuitive eating appeared first on East Idaho News.

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